Optimization Potential Index for SEO process optimization | RankWise

Optimization Potential Index for SEO process optimization

Optimization Potential Index (OPI)

RankWise SEO Dashboard is based on a mathematical concept that calculates the optimal optimization action given the circumstance at that time. This formula was developed by RankWise / +Arjen Karel as a method for optimizing the search engine optimization process. We have come to call our algorithm the Optimization Potential Index and OPI for short.

With OPI we optimize the flow of the SEO pointers given by the Dashboard to always shows the biggest quick SEO fixes first. A more complicated way of putting it: we first calculate the optimization potential for every separate element of a website, then weigh in the relative importance of each element as part of the whole website, resulting in an ordered list beginning with the highest (overall) gain that requires the smallest relative investment in time to realize.

RankWise.net SEO Dashboard SEO progress chart

RankWise.net SEO Dashboard SEO progress chart[/caption]

NB. The drop after seen on 07-12-2013 is the result of the website being indexed completely instead of 50 pages.


Law of diminishing returns

In economics and nature there is a well-known and much used dynamic that is called the law of diminishing returns. This is the mechanism that causes things to get ‘harder’ when we increase the scale and are getting closer to a maximum capacity. An other name this principle goes by is the law of the increasing relative costs.

Here is the citation from Wikipedia the law of the diminishing returns:

“In economics, diminishing returns (also called diminishing marginal returns) is the decrease in the marginal (per-unit) output of a productionprocess as the amount of a single factor of production is increased, while the amounts of all other factors of production stay constant.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diminishing_returns

An example from physics for this dynamic is the analog of the amount of horse power it takes extra to accelerate from 1 to 2 MPH and from 10 to 11 MPH. It takes more horse power to accelerate 1 MPH when already driving at a speed of 10 MPH then that it takes when we accelerate 1 extra MPH when driving 1 MPH. When it comes to cars it is caused by the fact that it takes more energy to overcome the wind resistance as the car goes faster and drag resistance grows exponentially. When dealing with SEO and optimizing a website for keywords we encounter the same sort of effect. As we pick op SEO speed and start to show up in searches in search engines, it gets exponentially harder to rise one more position when we come closer to the first position on the first page.

Optimization Potential Index (OPI) and SEO process optimization

The OPI method optimizes the process of optimizing websites for search engines. With OPI the RankWise SEO Dashboard calculates where we can optimize existing content to better SERP positions with changing the website and making use of what is already there. By optimizing the existing content for the already embedded keywords we achieve higher SERP positions against lowest cost where costs are time units and revenues are SEO units which will return higher search engine result page positions for existing content. We calculate the OPI again when adjustments have been made as the optimal next step is not the same anymore as the the "ceteris paribus" assumption has become invalid as the circumstances have changed.

OPI To Do List 

The ultimate implementation of OPI is in our To Do list as part of the RankWise.net SEO Dashboard It offers a OPI based to do list on page / URL level. When we have made the suggested adjustments then can chose Create new to do list. Which will be created after recalculating the OPI resulting in a new to do list with the optimal action/element combinations listed first. After completing the SEO adjustments we can ask RankWise to re-index the entire website for an even more thorough analysis for the next day or week.

RankWise.net OPI style SEO to do list

The OPI method was created by Arjen Karel for RankWise.net and is being developed further by Arjen Karel (seo specialist and engineer) and Daniel Mulder (SEO specialist and marketeer) as part part of the core technology for www.rankwise.net 




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